Cantaloupe Aqua Fresca

Recipe from Lisa Zechiel, Washington Green Grocers

Cantaloupe aqua fresca? We are hooked. This recipe became one of our favorites, perfect for these hot, humid days. A repost of Lisa Zechiel's aqua fresca recipe, just in time. Local cantaloupes are fantastic now; sweet and juicy and ready to rock your juice world.

Here's how:

You need -

  • 1 cantaloupe, rind and seeds removed and roughly chopped
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons honey or sugar (if you're making aqua fresca with August melons you won't need sweetener!)
  • Juice of 1 lime

Line a fine mesh sieve or colander with cheesecloth over a bowl. Working in batches, puree the melon in a blender or food processor. Transfer the pureed melon to the sieve or colander as you go. Let the puree drain for about a half hour, occasionally pushing down on the puree with a wooden spoon or the back of a ladle. After the 30 minutes pull up the edges of the cheese cloth so the puree is in the middle and squeeze/ring it out so any remaining juice comes through the cheesecloth (do this over the colander so if the pulp escapes it won't ruin your juice). This will be a lot of juice.

Put the juice in a pitcher or big jar, add the water, lime juice and if you are using it, sugar or honey. You can use it right away or pop it in the regriferator for up to 3 days. You can also freeze it in 8 ounce portions or whatever you like for up to 3 months.


Washington's Green Grocer - the Mid-Atlantic's original farm to doorstep delivery service. We've been working to better our local food system since 1994 by supporting local farmers and makers and delivering their goods to your door!