The Science of Delicious

Science of Delicious_lead_1 by Jacob Dean, special to EdibleDC

Last week, National Geographic Live! hosted The Science of Delicious, a flavor-focused tasting event which examined the ways in which we perceive flavor and how flavor impacts our lives. Moderated by Pam Caragol, Executive Producer for the National Geographic Channel, the discussion complemented an identically-titled article recently published in the National Geographic magazine.

Over the course of two hours, guests were served a bento box, ramen, and a variety of sour-and-sweet cocktails prepared by Chaplin’s Restaurant (1501 9th Street NW), while listening to presentations from National Geographic Senior Photo Editor Todd James, biopsychologist Julie Mennella and Chaplin’s Restaurant co-owners Ari and Micah Wilder. science of delicious menu

For Todd James, the quest to capture flavor in photographs was challenging, “Really, when they handed me the story I had not a single idea in my head because it’s like, how do you see taste?” For James and photographer Brian Finke (who was not in attendance), it became a matter of showing both the science and biology of taste (the papillae of the tongue, stained blue as part of a study for example, or nerve-endings being measured inside of a Faraday cage at Louisiana State University), the ways in which our food preparation has evolved (which sometimes involves a centrifuge followed by goggles and liquid nitrogen) and the cultures surrounding consumption that we have built for ourselves (such as a spirit-animal-based meal in Tasmania.)

The star of the evening might have been Julie Mennella, whose work at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, PA examines how flavor is influenced by the complicated dance between biology, desire, and the evolutionary drive to survive. “Taste, it’s not just in the tongue. It’s also smell, it’s the fullness of mint, it’s nerve endings. All of these senses fuse to give us what flavor is.”

Science of delicious ramen

While Mennella described some of the basic research on flavor, she also walked guests through concrete experiments designed to highlight how taste is perceived and how it can differ from person to person. Diners were encouraged to chew Timothy Leary-esque paper strips coated with a bittering agent. Those able to perceive the intensely bitter flavor (which included myself) fell closer to the super-taster end of the spectrum, which is the name for people who taste things more intensely due to higher concentrations of taste buds. An experiment using jelly beans also revealed how taste is hugely connected to smell: cover your nostrils while chewing and then release them to experience an increase in sweetness.

Chaplin’s co-owners Ari and Micah Wilder also spoke about how crafting cocktails can be both simple and complicated; how the balance of flavor is important for both food and beverages. Taken at face value this may seem like a simple concept, as some flavors are naturally complimentary while others are not. The challenge lies in the fact that people do not taste things in an identical way. Research into flavor helps us understand our dining choices, and how we can make some foods more appealing (think insects, an easily sustainable, if creepy-crawly, form of protein). As with many things, progress lies in science. It helps, though, if that science is delicious.

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC X Misfit Juciery collaborated with @natgeo's Emerging Explorer Asher Jay on a custom label for their Future of Food initiative. Asher , a creative conservationist uses artwork to talk about social issues.




Jacob Dean is a freelance food and travel writer, recipe tester, and product reviewer who resides in Washington DC. He is an Associate Editor at The Cook's Cook, a staff writer at DCist, has freelanced as a recipe tester for the NY Times, and has been published by the Washington Post and Roads and Kingdoms.

Time for Local Christmas Trees!

christmas tree Make a memory and support a local farmer! Here's your list of Christmas tree farms in VA and MD. To search for Christmas tree farms in Maryland, go here. For Christmas tree farms in Virginia, your list is here.

The weekend weather will be perfect for an outing to a local Christmas tree farm! Get outdoors, make some memories, support local farmers and get a fresh, local real tree that looks and smells beautiful. Real trees are a renewable, recyclable resource that keep unwanted waste out of our landfills and are good for the environment. Recycled real trees are chipped into mulch, putting nutrients back in soil.

Artificial trees are often petroleum based, overseas imports and end up in landfills forever. According to the Maryland Department of Agriculture, while growing, Christmas trees absorb carbon dioxide and other gases and emit fresh oxygen, unlike artificial trees which are petroleum-based. When growing in open space, a 3-inch diameter Douglas-fir tree can reduce atmospheric carbon by 23 pounds and intercept 102 gallons of storm water runoff per year.

Christmas tree farm lists courtesy of @Maryland's Best and @Virginia is for Lovers!


Mix and Mingle at at Your Own Cocktail Party - A Pro Entertainer Tells You How

By Gina Cherservani special to EdibleDCPhotography by Hannah Hudson


Its 7pm. Guests are arriving and you are one of them! Doesn’t that sound appealing—being able to be a guest in your own home for the holidays? It’s easy. It requires a little planning and setup, but once that’s done you too can enjoy the spirit of the day with your friends and loved ones.

So how do we achieve this state of entertaining nirvana? And what does that mean? Step one, make lists: Who is coming and what to you want to serve? How many people? What space is available for an area to set up the libations?

OK, you’ve made the list. Step two: How do you set it all up? When entertaining guests at home, no real estate should be left unused. For example, a nontraditional table that normally wouldn’t make an ideal bar can be retrofitted with some easy DIY steps.

Party Tip Number One: PUNCH! Well, because punch is perfect! Nothing is more welcoming than a punch bowl filled with a holiday elixir and garnished with ribbons of citrus and fresh herbs. It practically screams “Drink me!” Here is a super-easy recipe that can be adapted to any spirit.

Gina’s Easy Punch Recipe for Any Spirit


Take 16 ounces cranberry-rosemary syrup (see recipe), 1 bottle of spirit (rum, gin or whiskey), 1 gallon of apple cider, 2 quarts of grapefruit juice, 30 dashes of Angostura Bitters and 2 bottles of dry bubbly wine, such as champagne or cava. Pour all the ingredients into a punch bowl or some other large bowl that you may have on hand. Then garnish it with grapefruit peels and rosemary and fresh cranberries for a pop of color. Add one large block of ice. (Pro tip: Use an old milk carton that has been washed out. Fill with water and freeze 24 hours beforehand. Once frozen you can peel the carton off the ice block and now you have punch ice.)

Traditionally, I like to serve punch as close to the entrance as possible and since the ice is already in the bowl, you can do this anywhere. Place the bowl in the center of a ring of glasses, whichever kind of glass or plastic cup you are using (mixed-matched is always a nice touch). Make sure you put out a ladle and some sort of napkin. An extra-special touch is having a little card or picture frame with the list of ingredients, saving you from having to tell every guest what is in the bowl.

Party Tip Number Two: The Old Fashioned


The Old Fashioned is a cocktail consisting of simply whiskey, sugar and bitters. Does it get easier? Not really, and people love them. Well, you don’t want your guests waiting around for these drinks of beauty. What to do? Set them and forget them … here is how: Go out and buy a flat or two of 6-ounce Mason jelly jars (available at any hardware store or grocery store). First unscrew and clean all the jars, then allow them to cool. Then in each jar add 2 ounces of whiskey or bourbon, 1 ounce simple syrup or flavored simple syrup, 3 dashes of Angostura Bitters and 3 dashes of orange bitters, screw the lid back on and set them in the refrigerator, until 30 minutes before the first guest arrives.

Now for the setup: Find an area in your house that people can gather around, such as a kitchen island or round table. Pile the jars like a store display (see photo), put out a bowl of orange peels and ice for the cocktails. Don’t forget an ice scoop, otherwise people use their hands (um, yuck). Make a little card and frame it saying, “Serve yourself an Old Fashioned, just add ice and orange peel, and enjoy!”

Party Tip Number Three: The Moscow Mule Bar


Setting your home into stations keeps the flow moving and people from gathering right in front of the libations all night long. Everyone has a lazy side when it comes to preparing, so this is my couch potato saving grace, a Moscow Mule bar.

Go out and buy a variety of ginger beers, a couple of bottles of Prairie Vodka, limes, mint for garnish, couple bags of crushed ice. Set out ginger beers on either sides of the vodka, then prepare bowl of limes cut in half with a hand juicer on top. Put crushed ice in the bucket with a scoop. On the table leave out a bottle opener for the ginger beer and the recipe: Pour vodka into the glass, squeeze one half of a lime, fill with crushed ice then top with ginger beer (pick one) and garnish with a sprig of mint.

Cranberry-Rosemary syrup

1 bag fresh cranberries 4 cups sugar 3 cups water 2 sprigs rosemary

In a pot, combine all ingredients, bring to a boil, then lower heat to a simmer. Cook until cranberries pop open, remove from heat, strain hot and reserve syrup for cocktails. The syrup will keep for 3–4 months in the refrigerator.

Downtown Silver Spring Chefs CAN Cook

eggspecation martini Sponsored by Downtown Silver Spring

The holidays are almost here, and Foodie Festivus at Downtown Silver Spring is celebrating (you guessed it) all things foodie! This year’s theme highlights and explores themes of creativity, community, and culinary excitement. A schedule of holiday-themed events and performances is complemented by a host of delectable deals and savory specials from the 20+ restaurants at Downtown Silver Spring.

Chef Alex Garcia at AG Kitchen Silver Spring w Garcia's Seafood Paella

One of the highlight events of the Foodie Festivus season is DTSS Chefs CAN Cook, a thrilling, Chopped-style culinary competition. Emcee’d by Tommy McFly of FRESH 94.7, the competition features Chef Alex Garcia of AG Kitchen squaring off against Jenna Umbriac (Director of Nutrition Programs at Manna Food Center) in a timed event where they’ll have to scramble to get creative and cook healthy, budget-friendly meals — all while utilizing surprise canned goods donated by Whole Foods Market Silver Spring. The panel of judges includes Carole Sugarman (Bethesda Magazine, Editor) and DC Eater’s own Meredith Bethune (Associate editor). Join the foodie fun on Saturday, December 5th at 10:30am at the Fountain Plaza Stage in Downtown Silver Spring!

Partnering with Manna Food Center, Downtown Silver Spring is holding a season-long canned food drive, asking area residents to donate non-perishable food items. Manna’s mission is to eliminate hunger in Montgomery County through food distribution, education and advocacy. Additional information about the Foodie Festivus celebration and Manna can be found here and here.

You Won't Stop Gobble Gobbling These DC Thanksgiving Sandwiches

by AJ Dronkers, Associate Publisher & Digital Editor EdibleDC Thanksgiving is the foodie dream holiday. It's all about the food and the gathering; decorations are minimal, we can spill outside for cocktails or a between-course walk since our weather is still grand and best of all, there is no stress with auxiliary traditions like exchanging gifts. The only focus is putting together an amazing spread of old family recipes and sprinkling in a few new ones.

To get geared up for game day, I take advantage of any opportunity to sink my teeth into flavors that feed my Thanksgiving obsession. Here is a round up of some of the best local Thanksgiving "sandwiches," we use this term loosely.


Off the beaten path, but with a passionate and devoted following, MGM Roast Beef offers exquisite slow roasted juicy carved meats. We swung by on a busy day running errands and tried the delicious Thanksgiving Dinner - turkey topped with brown gravy, stuffing, and cranberry chutney served open face on a fresh roll. (Location: 1905 Brentwood Rd NE DC)


Everyone is a buzz about the opening of Milk Bar DC and the crazy lines seem to be getting shorter. We dropped by on weekday evening and picked up the Thanksgiving Croissant, a “stuffing” flavored bread filled with house roasted, shredded turkey, homemade gravy & cranberry sauce. (Location: 1090 I St NW DC)

Thanksgiving in Paris

Earl's "Thanksgiving in Paris" has roasted white turkey with cranberry relish and kicks it up a notch with warm brie on multi-grain. (Locations: 4215 N. Fairfax Drive Arlington VA, 2605 Wilson Boulevard Arlington VA)

Gobbler Pearl

Okay this isn't a sandwich but when you run out of bread this is essentially how we eat our Thanksgiving leftovers. Rocklands BBQ Gobbler Pearl starts with mashed potatoes, topped with stuffing, gravy, then smoked turkey and their special cranberry sauce. (Locations: 2418 Wisconsin Ave NW DC, 891A Rockville Pike Rockville MD, 25 S. Quaker Lane Alexandria VA, 3471 Washington Blvd. Arlington VA)

Bobbie high res

Year round favorite Capriotti Sandwich Shop offers The Bobbie with homemade turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing and mayo. (Locations: 1800 M St NW DC, 3347 M St NW DC, and 1500 Wilson Blvd Arlington, VA)

Do you have a local favorite we missed? Add your comments below to share with other readers.

Downtown Silver Spring Hosts Holiday “Foodie Festivus"

DTWN SPP TreeSponsored by Downtown Silver Spring This winter, visit Downtown Silver Spring to experience “Foodie Festivus,” the 2015 theme of its annual Reimagining the Holidays event. An extended celebration of cuisine, culture and community, Foodie Festivus features a must-see holiday art installation, live performances, chef-inspired events and an innovative food drive that truly brings the community together for the sake of food, fun and all manner of seasonal festivities.

Holiday Dining Extravaganza During Foodie Festivus, participating Downtown Silver Spring restaurants are featuring their own unique specials and festive dishes, with more than enough dynamic offerings to keep everyone satisfied. Speaking of variety, the eclectic offering of restaurants and eateries also make for perfect social venues. From the impromptu happy hour at AG Kitchen or Masa Hibachi to planning a lively holiday office party at Copper Canyon Grill, Downtown Silver Spring has something for every palate!DTWN SSP Singers

Art Installation Holiday Tree, “Well-Seasoned Greetings” No matter where you’re enjoying a delectable meal at Downtown Silver Spring this season, take in the views of the impressive annual tree installation, “Well-Seasoned Greetings, ” by artist Karl Unnasch. Featuring illuminated take-out containers, “U-tinsel”, spatula snowflakes, and topped with a stunning glass bottle star, the tree is a must-see culinary-themed spectacle, sure to delight foodies everywhere!

Celebrity Chef Cook-Off! The Foodie Festivus entertainment schedule features plenty of seasonal highlights — for example, on Saturday, December 5, Downtown Silver Spring will host the Chefs CAN Cook Competition during the FRESHFARM Market, in which AG Kitchen’s Alex Garcia will face off against Jenna Umbriac (director of Nutrition Programs at Manna Food Center) and Mark Mills (of Chocolate and Tomatoes Farm) in a light-hearted 'Chopped'-style competition. Surprise canned ingredients donated by Whole Foods Market will be utilized in what is sure to be a can’t-miss, festive foodie face-off!

Foodie Festivus One-Night Stay Package Whether you’re planning to visit Silver Spring for the shopping and festivities or you’re just looking to indulge in a relaxing staycation, Courtyard by Marriott is offering a Foodie Festivus one-night stay package. With any one-night weekend stay, receive a $50 AG Kitchen gift card through January 31, just use the code FOO when booking (

The Spirit of the Season Most importantly, the Foodie Festivus celebration serves as a reminder to help those less fortunate. Downtown Silver Spring is holding a canned food drive to benefit Manna Food Center, and is asking the community to donate non-perishable food items. And be sure to check out CAN-Creation, an awareness-raising art installation created by Hospitality Partners featuring more than 300 cans donated by Whole Foods Market Silver Spring (on display throughout the season in the windows by H&M).

Tying together cuisine, culture and community, Foodie Festivus is set to inspire and entertain. With all the fun and festivities going on, Downtown Silver Spring is the place to be this holiday — learn more here.

DTWN SPP juggler