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Published quarterly in time with the seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter) and available for free throughout the Washington metro area or by subscription, EdibleDC focuses on the farmers, growers, fishers, home cooks, chefs and others who energize our culinary community.

To find a free copy of EdibleDC please visit any of our fantastic advertisers or distributors. We actively make deliveries when the issue is released in the following two weeks. That being said, while at most places “we stack them high” we also “watch them fly”–so while we have updated this list, we can’t guarantee that magazines will still be in stock.

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Our magazines are freely distributed across the DMV at partner locations such as farmers markets, grocery stores, artisan food/wine stores, and more. If you are interested in distributing EdibleDC Magazine at your location(s) please fill out the below form.


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Edible DC provides a quarterly publication with a circulation of 30,000 copies per issue. Click below to learn more about advertising with Edible DC.